When I opened Alice to find some books who are related to mine, I’ve used the Xenotheka Library as Alice’s brain, architecture as the topic of the conversation and typed in country houses because my book is about to of the most beautiful country houses of Pliny. The first thing that popped up was Modern Architectural Theory by Mallgrave but when…
Tag: #56
For my first search on Alice I chose “Xenotheka” as brain and as topic of conversation I choose of course “architecture“. For my first search I have chosen the words “Les Plans Et Les Descriptions de Deux Des Plus Belles Maisons” as they are the title and the main topic of my book, so I…
The full title of the book is “Les Plans Et Les Descriptions de Deux Des Plus Belles Maisons De Campagne De Pline Le Consul. Avec des remarques sur tous ses bâtimens et une dissertation touchant l’architecture antique & l’architecture gothique par Mr. Felibien des Avaux” (1706). The first part of the title translated means as…