To find similar Books to my “Del Palazzo de Cesari” I used the software, Alice. I started my search by setting the text to “roman temple” and the brain setting to “antique”. The software Alice then showed me a lot of different and interesting books on that exact topic. That’s how I found my first…
Tag: #21-953-229
The title of the book is “Del Palazzo de Cesari” and it is a opaera postuma which means that it was written after Cesari’s death. This book was not written by Giuseppe Cesari but by Francesco Bianchini who was an Italian philosopher and astronomer who was born in Verona in 1662. The book itself is…
Greetings_ 79
I have decided to use these two pages because I really enjoy how Francesco Bianchini started each new chapter. The big Title with a short introduction/explanation underneath. After that, he starts with a nice designed and big first letter. Nowadays you see this kind of page design in primarily in novels which I personally find…