Pietro Santo Bartoli – Colona Traiana eretta dal Senato I started with the most important word of my book: column as the topic of the conversation. Alice’s brain is in my search process the Xenotheka Library. Another word that is important is architecture and also Trajan, the Roman emperor. I wanted to find an old…
Tag: 21-938-618
Colonna Traiana eretta dal Senato Pietro Santo Bartoli Rom 1673 “Colonna Traiana eretta dal Senato” means “Trajan’s Column erected by the Senate”. It is published in 1673 and is all about the Trajana column that is built under Trajans rule and mostly about the battles in that time. Trajan was a roman emperor from 98…
-Colona Traiana eretta dal Senato -Pietro Santo Bartoli –Rom, 1673 I choosed this page because I like how detailed and small the coins are drawn and how good they show the atmosphere of this time. Also some important temples are drawn. The importance of farm animals is noticeable. I like how the background lenses out….