To the book: Les dix livres de vitruve. Corriges et traduits nouvellement en François, avec des Notes et des Figures Hi, I found your book because it is the only one containing the name “Vitruv”, besides of my own book. After reading your text, I see that some similarities between our books would be that…
Tag: #21-938-493
The first thing that came to my mind to search for in Alice’s brains, was of course the name of my book itself: Exercitationes Vitruvianae. This was quite unpleasant because Alice found zero matches within the Xenotheka library. After some research and trying different words, I found out that with adding just one letter, Alice…
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Giovanni Poleni – “Exercitationes Vitruvianae” These are the digital versions of the two pages I chose. I liked how the author divided the different paragraphs of the first page and the second page I chose because of the big “I” on the left side of the page. It reminded me of a scene in a…