Before starting to search for similar books, I wanted to refresh my knowledge about “Kurzgefasste Einleitung zur Perspectiv”. I looked at the previous two exercises we did last semester and wrote down the topics I found most important, then tried to find about ten keywords I could later use for my search. For example perspective,…
Tag: 21-929-898
The title in “Kurzgefasste Einleitung zur Perspectiv» by Johann Christoph Bischof summarizes the content perfectly. Translated into English the full title is “Brief introduction to perspective: wherein, besides the true foundation of it, it is shown how everything that belongs to the art of building is to be drawn according to optical rules: to which…
Book: Johann Christoph Bischof – Kurtzgefasste Einleitung zur Perspectiv Year: 1741 “Kurzgefasste Einleitung zur Perspectiv” is almost 300 years old. For that, it is in good condition. However, the book itself is rather small, about the size of A5 and the pages are extremely thin and fragile. The book’s cover, compared to the rest, is…
I have chosen these two pages because it seemed especially interesting to me that this book also includes tasks, not only pages to read.