Through this new task, I was able to familiarise myself with Xenotheka’s “Ask Alice” search machine. To do so, I chose 4 words that summarize my book “Reigle Générale d’Architecture des cinq manières de colonnes” by Jean Bullant, namely: architecture, columns, drawings and orders. The aim was to look for works related to my book,…
Tag: #21-922-398
The book “Reigle générale d’Architecture des cinq manières de colonnes” was written by Master Jean Bullant, ordinary architect of the Constable Anne de Montmorency at that time. This book deals with the five ways of building, namely, Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite. It is also enriched with several other examples from Antiquity. All this…

Primary information about the book Title: Reigle générale d’architecture des cinq manières de colonnes : à scavoir, tuscane, dorique, ionique, corinth et composite : livre enrichy de plusieurs autres, à l’exemple de l’antique Attribution: veu, recorrigé & augmenté par Jean Bullant Publication: A Rouen : de l’Imprimerie de David Ferrand Edition/Date: 1619 (PDF) / 1647…