Martino Bassi’s “Dispareri in Materia d’Architettura et Perspettiva” are, on the one hand, a polemic against Tibaldi’s work on the Milan Cathedral, but on the other hand, above all, they represent “the most surprising and interesting example of the seriousness with which the position of the point of view in the surface of the painting…
Tag: 21-914-163

Martino Bassi (1544-1591) Dispareri in Materia d’Architettura, et Perspettiva (1572, Brescia) Der in Mailand geborene, aber aus Lugano stammende Architekt und Ingenieur Martino Bassi ist vor allem für seinen Widerstand gegen die ersten von Pellegrino Tibaldi entworfenen Arbeiten im Mailänder Dom (1569) bekannt. Ein Ergebnis dieser Auseinandersetzung war Bassis Veröffentlichung von “Dispareri in materia di…
There are many beautiful illustrations in Martino Bassi’s “Dispareri in Materia d’Architettura, et Perspettiva”. I have chosen these two because they obviously refer to the title and are clearly related to each other. It would be interesting to find out exactly how.