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Friends with an old book – Argument – Daniele Barbaro “Ten books of architecture”
The full title of the book: what is it revealing about the content of the book? Who is it speaking to? The full title is:«M. Vitruvii Pollionis de architectura libri decem : cum commentariis Danielis Barbari, electi patriarchae aquileiensis: multis aedificiorum, horologiorum et machinarum descriptionibus». Barbaro is naming his book “the 10 books of architecture”….

Friends with an old book_De Architectura
Author: Daniele Barbaro Publication Date: 1567, Venedig I chose the first image because the print is beautiful and the woman reminds me of Helvetia. The second image plays interestingly with the different kind of titles and the first letter was again illisustrated with this print.