For my first attempt, I searched “Palladio”, as Enea Arnaldi was known to comment on Palladio’s topics and themes regarding Vitruvian ideas and orders. Comment: Greetings_83 I stumbled upon the book “The Architecture of Palladio” by Leoni Giacomo. I found it interesting how the initial representation of the book looks very similar the our own…
Tag: #106
The book which was assigned to me bears the title “Delle Basiliche Antiche”, written by Enea Arnaldi. Using the Xenotheka library search engine “Ask Alice”, I devoured myself to seek relations of this book and its topics to other books in the library. Personally, I wanted to grasp a deeper understanding of the term “basilica”…
As the book is written in Italian, and I sadly cannot understand the language, I was unable to fully comprehend the content of Enea Arnaldi’s “Delle Basiliche Antiche”. Thus the illustrations found in the book were the main elements that led to my own understanding of this particular book. According to the title of the…
Enea Arnaldi – “Delle Basiliche Antiche” I found this plan of some sort of basilica very interesting, in particular how orderly and proportional all the architectural elements line up. Furthermore, this page also caught my attention as different proportions are listed for various elements. The book overall was about the size of an A4 sheet,…