Pages_Teoria e pratica di architettura civile - Archived Posted on 11/16/202009/13/2021 FRIENDS WITH AN OLD BOOK The first spread particularly caught my eye because it is the first time, illustrations are used. They break up the long columns of text, are accompanied by a legend, which further gives context to the pictures, which show what a wall consists of. The second spread again breaks up the pattern of the book, which is mostly laid out text. It seems to be a table of some sort, related to the five orders and their correct proportions. It is a table to be referenced when sketching and constructing. The last spread intrigued me because of its, by large letters, broken up layout of the text. Since it’s towards the latter part of the book and for my embarrassingly little remains of my knowledge of Latin and therefore Italian, it is reasonable for me to assume that it is a part of the index, with all its referenced authors, organized by their last name.