William Chambers, A Dissertation on oriental gardening Meeting the book online: Meeting the book personally:
Autor: Falda, Giovanni Battista Name of the book: Il nouvo splendore delle fabriche in prospettiva di Roma moderna Publish Date: 1773 The reason why I chose this page is because I find out that the column in the front looks really like a cute “monster” with a small head and really big body. The reason…
L’art d’appareil, Menand I chose these two pages because of the interesting technique used for the drawing. What i found interesting about the book itself was the cover of it, as it had no title or picture on it.
I choose these two pages because of the interesting decorations of the buildings.
Joseph Furttenbach the Edler : Architectura civilis, Part_1
Part 2

A book of architecture by James Gibbs
Trattato di Camillo Agrippa … di trasportar la gugliain su la piazza di San Pietro