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I chose these pages because this symbol on the page kept me scrolling. In addition, I found it nice to see a symbol as there are very few symbols in this book. And I chose the second picture because the page contains several texts and fonts. The lower part is divided into two texts side…
1.Greetings – 166
Giovanni Battista Falda – Le Fontane di Roma nelle piazze, e luoghi publici della città Task 1: I chose those two pages because they both had fountains, which remembered me of a building (Picture 1: Entrance of an art museum in Berlin) and a part of a painting (Picture 2: Shell of “Birth of Venus”…
Task 1: I chose those two pages from the book “Architectura Hydraulica”, because I like the detailed drawing on the right side and I think that the page on the left side is the text which refers to this drawing. Task 2: In may opinion, the real pages of this old book looked much more…
I chose these two pages because my favorite order is the corithian / composite and these two I find, have the most inticrite versions of the all the examples given in the book. I also like the water damage on the pages which feels intentional, like a blurred sky line of cypress trees, giving the…

Greetings – 84
Isaac Ware – Designs of Inigo Jones and others 1731 The book had quite a few empty pages, and very few text, other than that it resembled a “normal” book as we know it.
These pages fascinate me because they show a Mühle in it’s context.
Des Jacobi Barozzi von Vignola Grund Regeln – Johann Rudolph Feasch
Oeuvres d’architecture – Marie-Joseph Peyre – 1765 A few pages of the book were wider than others. Altogether the book was still in very good condition and bigger in size then I expected. The smell of the book reminded me of a church.