Christian Rieger Vniversae Architectvrae Civilis Elementa 1756 #255 Zuerst entschied ich mich online für andere Seiten, jedoch konnte ich die in der Bibliothek nicht finden, da das Buch (wahrscheinlich) eine andere Auflage ist. Jedoch haben sie ähnliche Titel und die Seiten sind spannend, weil man sie auffalten konnte. The book has a wonderful decorated back…
Marvin Keller The book is made of very thin paper which has a rough surface but still feels soft whenever you touch it.
Marvin Keller These two pages were chosen because of it‘s layout. Page No. 12 seems very interesting with an architectural drawing in addition to a table which is probably related to the drawing whereas page no. 14 has 2 different tables that seem to have a relation with each other.

#Serlio #21-914-247 -Book Name: Tutte le opere d’architettura et prospettiva di Sebastiano Serlio -Author: Sebastiano Serlio, Giovanni Domenico Scamozzi -Publication date: 1600 I chose these two images because we recently talked about the Pantheon in one of our lectures and it’s really amazing to see a drawing of it from back then. There are not…
#182 #20-944-021 Ive chosen these two images, because i find the two geometric patterns he used interesting. The book is surprisingly large. It has golden decorations on the front and back. Inside most of the pages are stained but the overall condition is good.
Greetings_ 79
I have decided to use these two pages because I really enjoy how Francesco Bianchini started each new chapter. The big Title with a short introduction/explanation underneath. After that, he starts with a nice designed and big first letter. Nowadays you see this kind of page design in primarily in novels which I personally find…