I liked the drawing on the main Page and I chose page 128 as an interesting sample to express how the author introduced every new letter in the “Vocabularium”. The book was bigger than I expected, and I thought it would have something on the cover Page, but it didn’t.
Pietro Accolti 1625 I chose these two pages, because it explains and shows, how perspective works and how to draw or sketch it. This picture shows two things: first the book is printed as a woodcut and secondly it shows some watermarks, which means, that the book was used frequently back in the days and…
Greetings_Il Nuovo Splendore delle fabriche in prospettiva di roma moderna
The book cover has a very simple single coloured design.
Les plans et les descriptions de deux des plus belles maisons de campagne de Pline le consul – Félibien des Avaux, Jean-François; Plinius Caecilius Secundus, Gaius
Greetings_Il Nuovo Splendore delle fabriche in prospettiva di roma moderna
I chose these two pages because I really liked how detailed both drawings are, especially on the page where we can observe a chapel each detail of the building is beautifully drawn and lives up to reality.
Reasoning first page: The eye-catching letter and the big writing differ from the rest of the book. Reasoning second page: The structured page with the clean writing is very pleasing to the eye and stands in contrary to the cursive writing on the other pages. Dilara Su Baysal | 21-928-767 | Atelier Blaas
Simge Güngör title: Résolution des quatre principaux problèmes d’architecture pages I have chosen: When I first looked at the book, I didn’t notice a big difference between the pages. After a long observation, I noticed that it has a logical structure, which is why I chose this top text page. I chose the cover page…
“The grecian orders of architecture” – by Stephen Riou
I choose the first page because it’s used to show and summarize the content of the book. It’s also a very different approach and an innovative way of showing the illustrations in a smaller version on the first page of the book.