Jean du Breuil, l’art universel des fortifications , Paris, 1674 I chose the following image because it is the first illustration of the book, it has some kind of introductory role. I chose the second image below due to its link with the first image, it is essentially the same drawing which Mars is holding…
Friends with an old Book_L’architecture et Art de bien bastir
21-938-907 Martin I choosed the first image because I found the drawing beautiful. I choosed the second drawing because I found funny that the first Pilaster is incomplete. And the third image is a page that is different from the other: it’s bigger.
76_Greetings_Rules of Drawing the several Parts of Architecture.
-James Gibbs -1736
I chose these pages, because they both had some form of decoration.

The villas of the ancients illustrated von Robert Castell I choose these two pages of the book, as the director refers directly to Vitruvius in his text about the Tuscum-Villa and the detailed drawing of the villa shows a great overview of the beautiful building. In this picture you can see that the size of…
– Le théâtre de l’art de charpentier, enrichi de diverses figures, avecl’interprétation d’icelles – Jousse, Mathurin Griveau – 1650 Page 118 appealed to me because of its shapes and symmetry. The other page I found exciting because we just had that in class and I could compare it with the lecture. It felt like, as…
Grand escalier du chateau de versailles – Charles Le Brun I chose those two pages because of their extremely detailed drawings, also involving architectural elements, such as the cornice in the first drawing and the ionic columns in the second drawing. Regarding the bright colors, the gold decoration on the cover and also the condition…
I chose these pages because they’re very interesting and particulary exact drawn. I like the exactness of the illustrations, which stand in a contrast with the old, yellow and wavy texture of the paper.