The title of the book from Johann Christoph Bischoff is Kurzgefasste Einleitung zur Perspectiv. The book is from the year 1744. So it is quite old, but for this it is in an good condition. Kurzgefasste Einleitung zur Perspectiv is about basic, architectural detail drawings in different angles and perspectives. Around the half of the book are drawings, which…
The book “architecture moderne” by Charles Antoine Jombert was published in 1728, as mentioned in the previous exercise. The title is very revealing in a way, as it shows us what people in 1728 considered modern architecture. What is an old building to us today was once the pinnacle of architectural development and technology. Jombert’s…
The book is titled: Newes itinerarium italiae. This translates to new itinerary (trough) Italy. It gives a presentiment that the book is a travel guide about Italy. Since the book is supposed about architecture, I guess that it is a travel guide about the different architecture of Italy and its villages, cities and regions. The…
The full title of the book is „Trattato di Camillo Agrippa … die transporter la guglia in su la piazza di San Pietro”, which translated to English means “Treaty of Camillo Agrippa … transport the spire to St Peter’s square.” It was written by Camillo Agrippa,an Architect, engineer and mathematician born in Milan 1535. According…
The book with the title `V columnae` was written by the German Hans Blum. He was an author from the sixteenth century and published this book in 1596. The book was printed in Zurich from Johan Wolffen. The Latin title translated into English means `five columns`. It already describes very well the content of the…
The full title of the book is „I dieci libri dell’architettura di M. Vitruvio tradutti et commentati da monsignor Barbaro eletto patriarca d’aquileggia“, so first of all this book seems to be part of a series of books. Ten books, to be exact. Also, the title suggests that the books are about architecture, but it…
Compendio della fortificatione Alberghetti, Giusto Emilio As the title already states, the book, “Compendio della fortificatione”, is about the understanding of military architecture. This is also why I believe that the book was made for the military, the government and rich people that might consider building something like a castle. The book is “built” pretty…
Attachments Architectural-Theory-I-a-1 (210 kB)
#21-915-459 #66 “Grand Escalier Du Chateau De Versailles» -Charles le Brun The full title of the book: what is it revealing about the content of the book? Who is it speaking to? Full Title: Grand Escalier DU Chateau DE Versailles DIT Escalier des Ambassadeurs ORDONNÉ ET PEINT Par Charles le Brun Ecuyer premier Peintre de…
Arguments.86, 21-918-008
21-918-008 Attachments Argument.86 (23 kB)Argument.86 (23 kB)