The book is titled „collection of all books about architecture (written) by Sebastiano Serlio“. This already points to an unclear meaning with regards to „all“. Are they all the books that Serlio wrote or are they all the books that one needs to consider/know? The book treats a range of topics with regards to architecture…
Architectura de postium seu portalium The full title of the book is “Architectura de postium seu portalium” written by Wendel Dietterlin. Translated into English it means “Architecture of the post and portal”. The Title reveals what the book is about already. The book has no list of content, nor does it have chapters. It has a…
2. Argument_Trattato di Teofilo Gallaccini sopra gli errori degli architetti
Trattato di Teofilo Gallaccini sopra gli errori degli architetti was written in the 16th century by Teofilo Gallacini, an Italian architect how lived in Venice and as it says in the tile is a treatise about common errors of architects, so its target audience is comprised of architects and it aims to change things the…
Architektura civilis literally means civic architecture. This book thus describes the architecture of public, urban buildings. It was therefore aimed primarily at architects or very interested citizens. The book itself consists of texts and many illustrations that underline the text. It also focuses on the old Italian style of architecture. The book is divided into…
The title “THE VILLAS OF THE ANCIENTS ILLUSTRATED” is a bit misleading cause the author Robert Castell only refers to two ancient buildings, the Laurentium and the Tusculum, described by Pliny the younger. Castell pictures in his book these two Villas also with floor plans and elevations. The book is directed “TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE…
Vari disegni de architettura ornati de porte / inventati da Bernardino Radi The book is a design collection of entrances and doors. With ink and fine lines Radi illustrates different kinds and styles in great variety. The illustrations are summarized in a quite handy booklet with a colorful cover. It invites to look through the…
According to the E-rara website the title of the book is ‘’Insignium Romae templorum prospectus exteriores interioresque a celebrioribus architectis inventi’’ which translates to: ‘’The exterior and interior vistas of the finest temples in Rome were discovered by more famous architects’’. From the title it is fair to assume that the book depicts, in minutely…
Argument_quatre problèmes
Friends with an Old Book, Group 37 Attachments Friends with an Old Book (74 kB)
The title of the book is “Logometron architecturae militaris Freitagianae” and means “Art Measure of Friday Fortification. The book was published by the author Andreas Alexander in 1665. Andreas Alexander was an Italian architect in the 17th century. The book is a very rare work on the circle sector. At the beginning he introduces us…
The frontispiece on the first page of the first book contains quite a bit of revealing information about the origins and motivation to create this book. First of all the book is adressed to Agostino Chigi. Agostino Chigi, who was a very prominent member of the influential Chigi family in Rome, gave the order to…