Colona Traiana eretta dal Senato written by Pietro Santi Bartoli Task 3 Xenotheka Given the fact that the story of the Dacian War is mainly depicted in my book, I found it meaningful to search in Alice for this word first. I also watched out for keywords as the title of the book, its author…
My original book della architettura from the writer Giuseppe Viola Zanini, talked a lot about geometry and the origins and rule, proportions of archittecture. So i decided to search for the keywords from my original book in alice. the first word i searched was “geometry” and there was an intresting text from Deleuze, Francis Bacon…
In task 2 I got to know my book (Architectura by Gabriel Kramer) and discovered that it was a Saulenbücher, for this reason my research started looking for another Säulenbücher in order to be able to compare the two books. Like many of the Säulenbücher the book that I found is titled the same way…
Microsoft Word – Xenothek.docx Xenotheka_66 For me to be able to start working on this task I had to refresh my memories of what my book was about and what focal points it mentions. From memory alone I could only tell that its main subject were the grand stairs leading to the Chateau de Versailles….
As I first started to work with Ask Alice I was quite overwhelmed by the many possibilities the search engine provides. I soon realized that I had to use “find” and not “explore” to get matching results and to reduce the number of answers “Ask Alice” was giving me. As in the beginning of my process I…
1 Research Approach In my research process, I proceeded as follows; the first step for a successful search was to keep my word selection as specific as possible. However, the words could not be too specific, otherwise there would be too little or no selection of results at all available. First of all I chose…
xenotheka_228_course de architecture
its not easy to have a friendship with such an old book. with a book who is thinking in a very different way then i do. but also astonished me with knowledge full of little treasures. let me make an example. the book is talking as if there would exist only one gender the masculine….
My book “Paradossi per pratticare la prospettiva senza saperla” by Giulio Troili is about different ways perspectives can be used in drawings and their typical geometries. Therefore I firstly used the keyword “perspective” but unfortunately I couldn’t find something that is closely related to my book. So my next try was “pratticare la prospettiva” which…
As my designated book discusses the topic of oriental gardening, these were the first keywords I entered in the “Alice” search engine. Of course, I had to try out all the “Alice Brains”, and I quickly found, that in time slots, before my book was published, there were less search results, if there even were…
My book and my friend is called «A treatise on civil architecture» written by William Chambers. And because he dealt with columns in the first chapter, I typed in «Columns», after I continued looking for «Civil architecture» and in addition typed in the name of the first chapter «Origin of buildings» in the search engine…