We first know each other through online platform last semester and November last year was when I first met you. It was nice to meet and get to know you. I am sorry for not being able to remember your name at first, it was just too long. But thanks god you have got a short name: Vitruvius Teutsch. I did a long research on where and how I could get to see you, that one was not very difficult. The best part was when I got to see you for the first time at the Oechslin Library. On my way there I was excited to get to see you. That place was so beautiful and cozy. You were very unique and heavy haahah. I mean seeing you was nice, but after that where I was trying to get to know you and discover what you are all about, I was a little confused. You were hard to read, not only because you did not speak English, but old German, but also since you came from another era, even google didn’t know what you are all about. Thanks to some help, I was able to get to know some parts of you and translate it in English to be able to do the task. Unfortunately, you seem to not have any other friends or family, you only got some reprints, but it means that once you were very useful and many people needed you. All in all, it was a great experience getting to know and discover about you. I love seeing ancient books and imagine what could have happen to it in the past, who touched this book before I got to touch it. Some of the task were interesting and understandable, personally I did not really understand task number 5 , where we have to do it as a group, I think it was not that necessary, since it did not really contribute to the Xenotheka, but maybe I am wrong, since I do not know the system. Task number one, two, three and four make complete sense for me, since the task was to find facts about the book and record it as helpful and useful information for others. Otherwise it was nice to get to analyze the layout of the book and see what it consists of. Especially moments when I see pictures or diagrams and try to understand them, since I was not able to read and understand it but looking at the visualizations makes me want to discover more about the book and the architectural idea behind it. I am beyond happy you came into my life