- title: Wunderbarliche kostliche Gemaelde, ouch eigentliche Contrafacturen mancherley schoenen Gebeüwen, welcher etlich vormals im Truck aussgegangen, etlich aber erst yetz neüwlich herzuo gethan und an Tag gegeben worden, allen Schreyneren, Steinmetzen, Maleren, Goldschmyden und anderen künstleren sehr nutzlich und guot
- english title: Wonderful gorgeous tableau, as well actual contrafacts of various beautiful buildings, which often went out in the truck before, but just now recently added and showed, to all joiners, stonemasons, painters, goldsmiths and other artists very useful and good
- author: Rudolf Wyssenbach, 1517 – 1572
- year and place of publication: 1566, Zürich
- language: german
- library: Bibliothek Oechslin (Einsiedeln), A06b ; 1A4 1
- N/A