Title: Orbis miraculum, or, The temple of Solomon, pourtrayed by Scripture-light
Full title: Orbis miraculum, or, The temple of Solomon, pourtrayed by Scripture-light : wherein all its famous buildings, the pompous worship of the Jewes, with its attending rites and ceremonies; the several officers employed in that work, with their ample revenues: and the spiritual mysteries of the Gospel vailed under all; are treated of at large
Author: Samuel Lee (1625-1691)
Year and place of publication: 1659, London
Language: English
Volumes: 1
Available at: Bibliothek Oechslin, Luegetenstrasse 11, 8840 Einsiedeln,
- Signature: C01ue
- Type: Book, Monograph
- Barcode: EBEST1461372
Online ressource: non-existent