- Title:
Vallo libro continente appertinentie à capitanii, retenere e fortificare una città con bastioni (Con novi artificii de fuoco aggionti, come nella tavola appare, & de diverse sorte polvere, & de espugnare una città con ponti, scale, argani, trombe, trenciere, artegliarie, cave, dare avisamenti senza messo allo amico, fare ordinanze, battaglioni et ponti de disfida con lo pingere, opera molto utile con la esperientia dell’ arte militare)
- English title:
The continent appurtenance book on captains, defend and fortify a city with bastions ( with new fire artifices added, as in the table appears, and of different kinds of dust, and to conquer a city with bridges, stairs, winches, trumpets, trench, artifices , quarries, giving remarks without putting a friend, making ordinances, battalions and bridges de challenge with pingere, a very useful work with the experience of military art)
- Author: Della Valle, Battista [1470-1550]
- Publication: 1529, Venedig
- Language: Italian
- Volumes: 1
- Physical copy: ETH-Library Zürich, RA Rara Rar 79, not on loan
- Digital copy: https://doi.org/10.3931/e-rara-9770