Primary information about the book
- Title: Reigle générale d’architecture des cinq manières de colonnes : à scavoir, tuscane, dorique, ionique, corinth et composite : livre enrichy de plusieurs autres, à l’exemple de l’antique
- Attribution: veu, recorrigé & augmenté par Jean Bullant
- Publication: A Rouen : de l’Imprimerie de David Ferrand
- Edition/Date: 1619 (PDF) / 1647 (physical version)
- Format[60 S.] : Ill. ; 42 cm
- Language: French
- Contributor: Bullant, Jean 1510-1578
ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Rar 267 GF, ETH-Bibliothek, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz
Reigle générale d’architecture, Jean Bullant
In this book, the illustrations are very impressive in their detail; especially with this Corinthian column.
Moreover, I found it interesting to find a sonnet in a book aimed at explaining architecture; also note that it forms an acrostic!
The illustrations here are also rich.