The book consists of two parts. A very brief introduction is followed by a lexicon titeld “DE VERBORVM VITRVVIANORUM SIGNIFICATIONE“, which covers 198 pages. The definitions and terminologies discussed in this book, are assumably of architectural and technical interest and are derived and inspired by Vitruvius’ work. There are no chapters as such, but the words are ordered alphabetically. The second part is introduced by a title page that states the name “M.VITRUVVII POLLOINIS ARCHITECTI VITA“. I assume that the author continues by giving his insight on Vitruvius life and work, and sets it into connection with himself and the book. 13 illustrations, always small and lettered, give more detailed information for specific definitions. The original book actually holds 305 pages or maybe even more, but some pages were missing. It is 200mm long, 150mm wide and 25mm thick (Duodecimo). In consideration of its age, the book is in a moderatly good condition, even though the binding is slowly falling appart. Although it seems that I’ve been handed an other book or edition, that is quite different from the one previously, in task one, analysed “Scamilli impares Vitruviani“.