Histoire de Disposition et Formes des Temples Chrétins by J.D. le Roy in 1764
This book was written by J.D. Le Roy in his first language french. It was published in 1764.
The general theme of the book deals with the occuring and the forms of christian temples. The author speaks about an ignorance of man, that the universe in its nature has provided it in such a way that man honours its Creator. This leads to numerous magnificant sacred buildings, which were used by the people as temples to be closer to their Creator.
The organization oft the book consists of a preface which consists of 6 pages and 4 chapters. The first chapter has 12,5 pages, there are some enumerations. The second chapter has 26 pages, divided into 5 further sections. The third chapter has 26 pages divided into 2 sections and he fourth chapter has 18 pages divided into 3 sections.
The length oft he book correspons to 20 centimetres, it is 12.7 centimetres wide and 0.8 centimetres high. This book size is called Duodecimo. The book is very small and thin, therefore it lies in a book cover, which is accordingly larger. Nor much in length and width, but 1.6 centimetres height difference to protect the book, which has no book cover.
The book has a total of 90 very thin pages, which are mainly filled with text. Only on the first page there is a small picture of flowers an don the second page there is a picture which is a little bit bigger shown above the title of the book.