I met the book: „Pietro Santo Bartoli, Colonna Traiana eretta dal Senato“ in the ETH library in the main building. The Book was published in 1689.
Subject of the book:
The topic is fortification. The book shows plans of the Traian column in Rome,
which is still standing. It also shows the ornaments which are engraved on the
collumn. The ornaments are showing war scenes.
Organisation of the book:
The book has no chapters but it is ordered in sections. It starts with an devotement
followed by building plans of the column. After this part the biggest sections
consists of the story which is also visible on the column. This part is
followed by engravings of trophies of Traian and the names of financiers of the
Size of the book:
The book has a dimension of 343mm by 183mm by 39mm because of this special
format it is not possible to classify it in the traditional order format.
Total number of Pages and Illustrations:
The book has 126 pages all in all. There are 124 illustrations in the book and
2 pages of text (title print and the names of the financiers). The book is
printed with engravings on copper plates.