On argument 75
I came to this book by searching for “Vignola”. Since my book – Cours d’Architecture – is about the orders of Vignole and his comments, illustrations and descriptions of his most beautiful buildings. The first thing that stands out is the book cover, this book being all color and mine supposed to be monochrome. However, over time the condition of my book has deteriorated so that my book cover now has almost the same patterns as this book. The second thing is the thickness of the book, as mine has almost six times as many pages. However, both books also have similarities, such as the fact that both contain many illustrations that illustrate Vignole’s theory and geometry. Also, both books were published in the same century.
On argument 29
I’ve found this book is, by searching for “French architecture” because the author of my book – Cours d’Architecture – is from France. The author of this book is also from France and wrote his book in French, just like mine. Both books deal intensively with the five orders and they are explained not only with the help of text, but also with numerous drawings and illustrations. In this book it is mentioned how important the book is for professions such as: painters, sculptors, goldsmiths, masons, carpenters, etc.. While mine explains where it is important. For example, how the principles of architecture works on windows or stairs. So both books show how to apply the theory of architecture in various fields.
I find it interesting how many books there are on this subject area and how there is always overlap, so that you always find certain same things in other books, although the language, author, place, time is usually different.