first comment to the post ’Argument76’
hi, i browsed through several posts and finally came across yours. after reading it, i took a quick look at your book. what you already tell in the post and i could also see for myself is that like my book “Theatrum machinarum molarium ” by Johann Matthias Beyer, many detailed and technical drawings can be found. my book has a little more pages than yours, but on the whole the abundance of calculations is the same. however, yours are spread over the whole book and mine are more at the end.
second comment to the post ‘Argument_99’
hi, with the help of the title of your book I decided to read your post. I have now noticed that your book is similar in a few points with my book (“Theatrum machinarum molarium ” by Johann Matthias Beyer). First of all, there are certainly the detailed and technical drawings, which are very many in your book as well as in mine. Your book, as the title “Architectura Hydraulica” indicates, deals with the subject of water in connection with architecture. Mine does not speak directly of water but is very closely related to the subject of mill construction, which is shown and explained in detail in mine.