Comment: Argument_17
My book is called “Paradossi per pratticare la prospettiva senza saperla” by Giulio Troili. This roughly translates to “paradoxes for practicing perspective without knowing it”. It seems that our books have the same topics (perspective and geometry) and both function as teaching books on these topics. Additionally, both our books have a lot of illustrations which help explain these fundamentals for drawing. Having many illustrations makes a lot of sense obviously in a book on the topic of perspective and geometry. Finally, both our books are rather short – however I think yours is even shorter than mine. Also, the size of my book is quite large, whereas yours is rather small.
Comment: Argument_71
I found your book by searching for the word “perspective”. The title of my book is “Paradossi per pratticare la prospettiva senza saperla” by Giulio Troili (a lot shorter than yours J ). This roughly translates to “paradoxes for practicing perspective without knowing it”. However, your book doesn’t discuss the exact same thing as mine does – but they are both teaching books and meant for people with little knowledge on the respective topic. Also, both our books are filled with many illustrations which are quite large. My book – like yours – is quite big in size due to this.
Finally, I thought it was quite interesting that the authors of our books were both active in the Baroque period. My author was a painter of the Baroque period and yours a Baroque master builder.