In order to find the books that share similarities to my book “Regola delli cinque ordini d’architettura” I searched in the blog for often used words such as “orders” for example.
Comment on Argument_75
The book, described in the argument, partly bases on the content of my book of Vignola “Regola delli cinque d’architettura”. The topic of “Li cinque ordini dell’architettura civile di Michel Sanmicheli rilevati dalle sue fabriche /e descritti e publiati con quelli di Vitruvio, Alberti, Palladio, Scamozzi, Serlio e Vignola dal co. Alessandro Pompei” treats the same main topic as Vignolas book. The book also contains many illustrations which take up the whole page such as “Regola delli cinque d’architettura”. As in Vignolas book, the orders are analyzed and the main characteristics of the orders are described and emphasized. The book also shows similarities in editorial characteristics as both authors come from Italy. They both share similarities in their interests such as classical architecture and writing.
Comment on Argument_48
In connection to my book “Regola delli conque ordini d’architettura” by Vignola there are various similarities mentioned. First of all the book discussed in the argument focuses mainly on the author Giacomo Barozzi di Vignola and it represents his work. Similar to Vignolas book, “Cours d’Architecture“ by Augustin d’Aviler includes illustration and has a similar appearance according to the detailed drawings. It seems that the writer was very passionate about Vignolas work and wanted to share and summarize it. This shows us that both authors have similar interests in architecture and design. The version of Vignolas book I visited also had a very shabby appearance and you can see that it’s very old.