I found some similarities in this text about the book “Architektura” by Gabriel Kramer to mine which is “V columnae” by Hans Blum.
Similar to my assigned book, it is about the order of the five columns. It describes the appearance of the columns and the correct arrangement in the teaching of architecture. Doric, Classical and also Gothic styles are addressed and examined. As with my book, not only columns are analyzed, but also cornices and other architectural elements. Both books include illustrations and accompanying explanations in text form. The pictures are very detailed and accurately drawn. The time of appearance of the books also coincide, as well as the origin of the two authors.
In the book “Regola delli cinq ordnini d’architettura” by Vignola, as in my book “V columnae” by Hans Blum, the order and appearance of the five columns are treated; the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian order. The book is divided in the same way in five sections, for each column a chapter is dedicated. The architectural elements are shown with illustrations in both books. Also the binding of the books coincides in materiality.