To the Argument 27 by Enos Eggenschwiler
For the task 4 I chose the book „The two rules of the practical perspective“ by Ignatio Danti, because there are similarities to my book “La Perspective, Avec la Raison des ombres et miroirs“ by Salomon de Caus. Both books have many illustrations related to perspective drawing. It is about the geometric shapes and how to use them correctly. Another reason why I chose this book is that both authors were very interested in mathematics. I think that the books are so similar because the authors thought alike because of their common interest. In addition, the books have a similar size, which as Enos points out in this text, could be because they were study books.
To the Argument 100 by Siaan Thüler
After a long search I came across this post about “The theory of perspective demonstrated” by John Cowley. The title alone convinced me to compare our two books. The point of both books is to pass on to the readers the knowledge that our authors have about perspective and its application. It’s not just about the theory of perspective drawing, but how to use it correctly. Both of our authors had an interest in mathematics and both have worked for royalty.
The difference is in the structure of the books. Mine is a very short book with many illustrations. Yours has a lot of text and fewer pictures, but both books strive for the same goal of teaching perspective.