At first I had trouble understanding the organization and function of the Xenotheka digital library. After switching the topic of the conversation to Architecture, I could understand the concept of the program better and was able to start the actual assignment. The book assigned to me named “V Clomunae” by Hans Blum is about the…
Category: Xenotheka
To start my research, I first had to learn more about “Ask Alice”, had to find out exactly how the search engine is built and how to get the best answers. I watched Miro’s short introduction from last term again and another one of his tutorials. After that I started searching for suitable keywords and…
I immediately knew from the beginning that I wouldn’t want to search on the topic of «architecture» because it seemed to plain and obvious to me. Since the book «LI CINQUE ORDINI DELL’ARCHITETTURA CIVILE DI MICHEL SANMICHELI» is all about the five orders it was clear to me, that those would be my first focus…
3.Xenotheka – 166
Using Alice is really not difficult. You just have to select the right Body to get the best solutions. After a few try’s with unhappy result with the library of Rousseau, I searched in Alberti and Virtuvius Library and found a pleased match to the words; Tourism, Rome and Variety. The quote: „The defect comes…
At the beginning I typed in the information I have about the book like the title, author, and eventually the period it is from but unfortunately there weren’t any results regarding the name of the author. From there on I went in with some words that dominated my book such as Doric, Ionic, etc. When…
I have the book “Le Theatre de l’Art de Charpentier”. As I found out in the last two orders, this book is about several wooden constructions. In the book there are many illustrations about wooden constructions. Roofs of churches and so on. They are recorded and explained. That’s why I decided to pick it up…
The book I was in charge of is named «Inventioni» and consisted of hand drawings of mainly cornices, columns and entrances. Therefore I typed in “cornice”, “column”, “entrance” and “drawing” as search elements into Alice. What I got where extracts of texts of various books around those themes. Tronzo, St Peters in the Vatican Information…
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The book L’ART D’APPAREIL was written for architects and contains many geometric drawings. That’s why I first searched for a book in the Xenotheka Library under the Topic of Conversation ‘Architecture’ with the keywords geometrical drawing and art. A book with the title ‘The Sympathy Of Things’ caught my eye, this title reminded me of…
Nachdem ich mich schlau über Alice und ihre Funktion gemacht habe, habe ich Wörter die mein Buch «Dispareri in materia d’architettura, et perspettiva» besonders prägen in die Suche bei Alice eingegeben. Darunter waren Wörter wie: Church architecture, plans, drawing, Milano und natürlich wie der Buchtitel preisgibt nach perspective gesucht. Für die Art der Gehirne habe…