Task 3 Friends with an old Book First of all, I entered Problèmes d’architecture in the Alice search engine, since this is the main topic of my book. It came up mainly umbrella terms like problems of technology and knowledge and the ecosystem. These are difficult and critical issues for us nowadays, which also influence…
Category: Old Friends
Friends with an old book Lars Niklas Ludes 21-948-492 Since my book is called “Vitruvius Britannicus or the British architect” I decided to search for the term “Vitruvius” in Alice first, the Topic of conversation was set to “long”. Alice used her brain/body and named “Alberti and Vitruvius Library”. I came across several books, including…
Argument 62
Christoph Leonhard Sturm is the author of the book “Vollständige Anweisungen, alle Arten von Kirchen wohl anzugeben». He has studied and after that he taught at a university the subject’s mathematics and architecture. His focus was on the construction of civil and military buildings. In this book he has explained the differences of the churches. The…
argument 2
Friends with an old book – Task 2 My old, interesting book is called «Oeuvres d’arcitecture» by Marie-Joseph Peyre. In the book are many different churches explained and most of the pictures talk about monuments. Many different buildings in Italy are being discussed and the Autor often explains his theory with ground plans. There are…
Friends with an old book
Task II « Theatrum Architecturae civilis », qui signifie, le théâtre de l’architecture civile en latin semble donner une indication sur la voie de ce livre. On pourrait pencher sur l’idée qu’il s’agissent d’un livre consacré au génie civil et à la construction technique même. On voit beaucoup de très belles impressions et dessins dans ces pages….
“Designs of Inigo Jones and others” by Isaac Ware published 1742 The Book «Designs of Inigo Jones and others» was published 1742 by Isaac Ware. It was the second edition. The book has approximately a A5 format. Is not very thick, so it is handy. I could imagine that he could carry it with him…
Task 2 – Argument 98
Ouevres d’Architecture Translated into English the title of the book means “the work of art in architecture”. The contents of this book analyze the writer’s trip to Italy and their findings. Peyre doesn’t talk about the principles of architecture, but rather writes a token of respect for the ancient roman architects and shows her…
Das Buch Ich gelesen habe, ist Il nouvo splendore delle fabriche in prospettiva di Roma moderna von Giovanni Battista Falda, wer im Jahr zwischen 1643 und 1678 gelebt hatte. Er war ein italienischer Zeichner, Kupferstecher und Drucker, der die Architektur in Rom in der zweiten Hälfte des 17 Jh. kartografierte und dokumentierte. Er war in…
Task 2: Argument Dilara Aydemir Das Buch “Dispareri in materia d’architettura, et perspettiva” zu verstehen und dass ohne es gelesen zu haben gelingt uns in dem wir mit verschiedenen Methoden an das Buch herangehen. Man kann ganz einfach anfangen und den Titel des Buches näher betrachten. Wenn wir den Titel ins Deutsche übersetzten, bedeutet…
The book “Cours d’architecture” was written by Augustin-Charles d’Avelier, a French architect. He went to Rome, where he learned a lot of the architecture and their architects. The full title of the book gives us the information, that the topic of the book is about the orders of Vignole, an architect of Rome, and his…