I decided to pic one page with an image and one with a text on it. I like the image because of the way the building is represented and the depth of the building is impressive. As for the text page, I like the layout and how some of the words are written in capitals…
Category: Greetings
Ich habe mich für diese Seiten des Buches entschieden da er über die “Orders” spricht, von denen wir in den Vorlesungen auch schon einiges gehört haben.
Task 2
I chose the first page from my book because I thought that the drawing depicted above the title of the chapter was quite nice and the decorative Initial looked very interesting. The second page I chose, because of the many geometrical shapes that are illustrated. 2. The book cover had very nice marbling and leather…
Task 1
The cover is very old and vulnerable, it is brown and the pages have already yellowed a little. I like how all of the pages have over time aligned perfectly with all the other ones. I chose the drawings of the instruments because I liked thinking about the fact that when we speak about building…
Auf diesen beiden Seiten sieht man, dass das Buch ausklappbare Seiten mit Skizzen hat, zudem ist ersichtlich welchem Thema das Buch gewidmet ist. Das Buch ist etwa 300 Jahre alt, aber gebunden wie ein modernes Buch.
Martino Bassi (1544-1591) Dispareri in Materia d’Architettura, et Perspettiva (1572, Brescia) Der in Mailand geborene, aber aus Lugano stammende Architekt und Ingenieur Martino Bassi ist vor allem für seinen Widerstand gegen die ersten von Pellegrino Tibaldi entworfenen Arbeiten im Mailänder Dom (1569) bekannt. Ein Ergebnis dieser Auseinandersetzung war Bassis Veröffentlichung von “Dispareri in materia di…
The book gets held together through two ribbons and a hard case, which protects the old pages inside. When a few pages Iie on one another, you can see a surprising blue colour appearing on the side of the book. I also like, how some pages can be folded out to view the whole image…
Task 1 I chose the first page because it not only shows a beautiful image but also a image that teaches you something. The second page is interesting as it shows the reprint of the images provided in the book, this reprint is not only visible on this page but on all the back pages…