“De sacris aedificiis a Constantino magno constructis”, which was published in 1693, is a history of the ancient churches built by Emperor Constantine the Great. While this title might indicate various book-types, the preface shows that it has been written by a clergyman and probably found most interest among them. It is thus not very…
Category: Argument
Le theatre de l´art de charpentier
Wie schon der Titel «Le theatre de l´art de charpentier» es andeutet, geht es in diesem alten französischen Buch um ein Theater. Im Buch sind zahlrieche Abbildungen zu finden. Grundrisse, Schnitte und Ansichten sind im Buch zu finden. Es gibt kein Inhaltsverzeichnis am Anfang dieses Buches. Trotzdem ist das Buch in Kapiteln gegliedert. Undzwar in…
#21-957-295 #40 The full title of the book is: “Les Edifices Antiques De Rome Dessinés Et Mesurés Tres Exactement Par Antoine Desgodetz Architecte” and means approximately the same as “The ancient buildings of Rome drawn and very accurately measured by Antoine Desgodetz architect”. It was published in Paris and edited by “Chez Jean Baptiste Coignard…
“Topopgraphia Galliae” or the full description – “Beschreibung und Contrafaitung der vornehmbsten und bekantisten Oerter in dem mächtigen und grossen Königreich Franckreich: beedes auss eygner Erfahrung und den besten und berühmbsten Scribenten so in underschiedlichen Spraachen davon aussgangen seyn auch auss erlangten Bericht- und Relationen von etlichen Jahren hero zusammengertragen in richtige Ordnung gebracht und…
argument 2
Friends with an old book – Task 2 My old, interesting book is called «Oeuvres d’arcitecture» by Marie-Joseph Peyre. In the book are many different churches explained and most of the pictures talk about monuments. Many different buildings in Italy are being discussed and the Autor often explains his theory with ground plans. There are…
argument 71
The original Title: Synopsis architecturae civilis eclecticae, oder, kurtzer Entwurff von der ersten Continuation : worinnen unterschiedliche Partial-Begriffe enthalten, welche in der antiquen geometria elementari gegründet, und durch das nützliche diagramma quadrangulare, bey dem Umfang der Civil-Bau-Kunst ihren behenden Nutzen weisen / vornehmlich aber in gegenwärtigen zwölff Tabellen, nach einem fundamentalen Methodo, die regulairen Maximen…
The full title of the book is so long that I would reach the limit of 200 Words only with writing it out. To give you a short insight: «Synopsis Architecturae Civilis Elececticae, oder Kurzer Entwurf von der ersten Continuation, worinnen unterschiedliche Partial-Begriffe enthalten, welche in der Antiquen Geometrisa Elementari gegründet, und durch das nützliche Diagramma…
Argument 33 La militare architettura
La militare architettura overo moderna fortificatione del capitan pietro ruggiero dedicata all`altezza Serenissima di d’gio d’ austria. The book is a piece of technical literature on modern military fortresses, the modern in question being the 17thcentury when the book was written. The book is written in Italian by a certain Capitan Pietro Ruggiero, his title suggesting…
Argument 95
The book has the following title: Elementos de toda la architectura civil : con las mas singulares observaciones de los modernos impressos en latin / por Christiano Rieger … ; da traducidos al castellano [por] Miguel Benavente The book has several tables of contents. It includes different sorts of big topics for example like columns…
Argument by Rosa Heer; les dix livres d’architecture de Vitruve My beautiful old book is called “les dix livres d’architecture de Vitruve”. As you can already hear in the book’s title it contains ten books and is therefore very thick. The book definitely speaks to people who already have a knowhow concerning the theme of…