Neü-herfürgegebene Kriegs-Architektur Das Buch stammt aus dem Jahr 1673. Wie der Titel verrät handelt es sich dabei um ein Buch über die Kriegsarchitektur. Christoph Heidemann befasst sich im Buch mit Festigungsgebäude und wie man diese durch ihre Bauweise stärken kann. Einerseits wurde das Buch geschrieben für Personen der höheren Gesellschaftsschicht, die es vermochten, eine Festung…
Category: Argument
The title The title of my book is „Paradossi per pratticare la prospettiva senza saperla“, which means „Paradoxes to practice the perspective without knowing it“ in English. So the book is about being able to draw perspectives even without knowing them. I guess, that the book is made for architects or painters so that they…
The title (architecture moderne) implies, that the book examines the modern architecture of this time. The second part of the title specifies the goal of this book: the art of building well. It also clearly empathizes who this book is for: for all kinds of people (pour toutes sortes de personnes). The book is divided…
The author of «Vollständige Anweisung, alle Arten von Kirchen wohl anzugeben», Christoph Leonhard Sturm, started teaching at university after his studies. His subjects were mathematics and architecture, with a focus on the construction of civil and military buildings. It is said that Sturm himself rarely built and rather devoted himself to his theoretical works. It…
«Architectura» by Gabriel Kramer starts off with a title page that explains the book’s intents. Here it is explained, that the author Gabriel Kramer shows the five orders, in an analytical manner. He even mentions Vitruvius, who he wishes to compare his work to. Upon scanning the pages it’s clear that the book is a…
The title of my book is “Studio d‘architettura civile” by Ferdinando Ruggieri, which doesn’t give away a lot about the content. There is a very long and descriptive subtitle though, namely “Sopra gli ornamenti di porte, e finestre colle misure piante, modini, e profili, tratte da alcune fabbriche insigni di Firenze erette col disegno de‘…
The title of the book is “Il Nuovo Splendore delle fabriche in prospettiva di roma moderna”. Translated it means „The New Splendour of Buildings through the Perspective of Modern Rome.“ I have difficulties to grasp the exact meaning of this title, but if I had to guess, I would say the book is about this new…
Argument 15
My book is called “Architectura et perspectiva des fortifications & artifices“. The book is speaking to the architects and the engineers at the beginning of the 17th century. It is written in French.There is no list of the content. Still there is a structure. You always have one page of text and the following double…
Andreas Albrecht was born on the 26th of January 1586 in Nürnberg and died in 1628 in Hamburg. He was a German mathematician and engineer but also an architect and a drawer. Albrecht invented different useful instruments for architecture. In his book «Instrument zur Architektur: Damit die fünff Seülen auch aller Sorten Stück und Morsser, sowol…