Title: Le théâtre de l’art de charpentier, enrichi de diverses figures, avecl’interprétation d’icelles Author: Jousse, Mathurin Griveau Publication Date: 1650 The title reveals that it is about carpentry. In addition, several characters are enriched in the book. It seems as if it is addressed to people who are interested in the subject or practice it…
Category: Argument
Augustin d’Aviler “Cours d’Architecture”: Architecture course: which includes the Orders of [Jacques Barozzio, dit Le] Vignole, with comments, figures & descriptions of his most beautiful buildings, & those of Michelangelo, instructions and precepts & several new ones designs concerning distribution & decoration, material & construction of buildings, masonry, carpentry, roofing, locksmithing, carpentry, gardening, & generally…
Full title: L’experience de l’architecture militaire The experience of military architecture, where one thoroughly learns the method of working in the squares: the particular knowledge of materials suitable for building, the thoisé of the masonry and the aliquots of land, with that of the wood and the frameworks: together the science of finding the water…
The title of the book is the Grecian Order of Architecture. As the title already explains, the book is about the different aspects and the variety of the Grecian Order. The book is dedicated to James Stuart, who according to the author was the first to explore the ruins of Athens and to share them…
The following aspects of the book “Lucidum Perspectivae Speculum” published in 1727 by Paul Heinecken will be examined: Title of the book The full title reads as follows: «Lucidum Perspectivae Speculum Das ist: Ein heller Spiegel der Perspective; In welchem So wohl der Grund dieser Kunst als auch die in Praxi täglich vorfallende mannigfältige Application…
The book “Ruins of the palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia” from Robert Adam is as the title already tells, about the ruin of the palace of the Roman Emperor Diocletian. The palace is placed in Spalatro which is today Split in Croatia. Robert Adam traveled and stayed there for five weeks…
Argument 49
Der Titel bezieht sich auf den Inhalt des Buches. Er spricht niemanden an, sondern erklärt den Inhalt des Buches. Laut dem Titel geht es im Buch um architektonische Zeichnungen und wie man diese am besten darstellt oder präsentiert. Soweit ich das verstanden habe, gibt es kein Inhaltsverzeichnis. Es ist eher eine Einleitung in das Buch….
Hans Blum is a German author from the 16th century. He was a building theorist who studied Vitruvius, among other things. For this he also made a stay in Rome, where he was closest to this subject. After that he lived in Switzerland, where he produced his only known work of the 5 columns. I…
Bernard Forest de Belidor was a French engineer that lived in the 18th century. As a professor at the artillery school in Ainse, he published several volumes about hydraulics, ballistics, physics, and mathematics that were revolutionary for his time. One of these books included “La Science des Ingenieurs dans la Conduite des Travaux de Fortification…