vari disegni de arcitettura ornati de porte (Benardino Radi) Elio Bysäth The book “vari disegni de arcitettura ornati de porte” by Bernado Radi is a book mainly illustrated with drawings of entrances. The title of the book is Italian and says that it is about various architectural designs with ornate doors. This title makes sense…
Category: Argument
The title in “Kurzgefasste Einleitung zur Perspectiv» by Johann Christoph Bischof summarizes the content perfectly. Translated into English the full title is “Brief introduction to perspective: wherein, besides the true foundation of it, it is shown how everything that belongs to the art of building is to be drawn according to optical rules: to which…
Friends with an old book, Task 2 The full title of my book is “Parallèle de l’architecture antique avec la moderne content”. The title basically says what one can find in this book, the parallels between antique and modern architecture. Specifically, this book defines who to use the five orders in a modern context while…
Le antichità romane; is the title of the book. It was first published in 1756 and reveals the different styles of the antique living standard of the roman people. Everything is described and shown in detailed drawings. A list of contents is not found but instead a large and detailed drawing of a temple is….
The book discussed in the following paragraph has the full title: Vocabularium architecturae aedificatoriae – authore Carlo d’Aquino – societatis Jesu – Romae, MDCCXXXIV (1734), Antonii de Rubies, in via Seminarii Romani – superiorum permissu. It is a lexicon with the ABC of architectural words and each of them is described shortly. As mentioned in…
«Recueil elementaire d’architecture» heisst übersetzt: «Die elementare Kollektion der Architektur» und ist ein im Jahre 1780 veröffentlichtes Buch vom französischen Architekten und Gravierer Jean-François de Neufforge. Jean-François de Neufforge wurde am 1. April 1714 in Comblain-au-Pont geboren. Um 1738 zog er nach Paris, wo er bei Pierre Edmé Babel Gravur und bei Jacques-François Blondel Architektur…
The book „La nouvelle manière de fortifier les places“ is written by Francois Blondel. He wasn’t only an architect, he also was a soldier, a mathematician and engineer. For that reason he new a lot about how to build military relevant buildings. In the 17. Century, Francois Blondel was also very famous for his texts….
The full title of the book is „Kurtzgefasste Einleitung zur Perspectiv“ it tells us that it’s kind of a short manual to understand the concepts of the perspective. I believe that the book is written as a book for students to learn the basics of the perspective. The book does not have a list of…
Architectura Civilis Architectura Civilis ist laut Recherche das früheste Architekturtheoretische Werk von Furrtenbach. Der Titel Architecture civilis übersetzt heisst ungefähr die Zivile Architektur. Das Buch dreht sich also um die öffentlichen Gebäude, welche für Zivile Personen frei zugänglich sind. Es geht also um Kirchen, Kapellen, Altäre, Gotteshäuser. Aber auch um Spitäler und Lazaretten. Das Buch…