The book I was in charge of is named «Inventioni» and consisted of hand drawings of mainly cornices, columns and entrances. Therefore I typed in “cornice”, “column”, “entrance” and “drawing” as search elements into Alice. What I got where extracts of texts of various books around those themes. Tronzo, St Peters in the Vatican Information…
Author: Yves Gregor
-Inventioni d’ornamenti d’architettura di Michel Angello Buonaruotti e d’altri -Gio Francesco Baroncelli IMO a boring old book with hand drawings of some antique architecture. The cover was out of leather and smelled mysterious. It was the first time that I held a book with a leather case!
-Inventioni d’ornamenti d’architettura di Michel Angello Buonaruotti e d’altri -Gio Francesco Baroncelli