Greetings_36 I think your book has some similarities to mine regarding its illustrations and layout. Mine ( Perspectiva pictorum et architectorum, from Andrea Pozzo)also has some illustrations concerning defensive wall infrastructure. Even the shape of the walls you showed in your photos is very similar to the ones Pozzo is showing. The layout is also…
Author: Till Jost
20-944-021 Since my book is about the process of drawing and giving the reader a guideline how to draw different buildings I started with the search of: Architecture Instructions. Vitruv was the first result, so I moved on to the second one to get to read something new. The other result was about the writer…
20-944-021 182 Task 2 To start I translated the title “Perspectiva pictorum et architectorum” via the internet into English. “The perspective of painters and architects” sounds like a book aimed at beginners, which is giving an insight into drawing or painting perspective. Although the book doesn’t have an on one of the first pages there…
#182 #20-944-021 Ive chosen these two images, because i find the two geometric patterns he used interesting. The book is surprisingly large. It has golden decorations on the front and back. Inside most of the pages are stained but the overall condition is good.