As determined in Task 2, “Recueil élémentaire d’architecture” by Jean-François de Neufforge was meant to give general examples and inspirations from all known architecture at the time. While doing my research I worked with the Xenotheka library and Alice as well as the Online Etymology Dictionary and Thesaurus. I worked with most of Alice’s brains,…
Author: Nicolas Sigron
To understand the context of the book it is helpful to first take a look at the author, Jean-François de Neufforge , his circumstances and the circumstances under which “Recueil elementaire d’architecture” was written. De Neufforge was born in the early 18th century in Belgium but spent most of his life in Paris. He worked…

I chose these pages because they try to tell two different things – one is showing one specific facade, while the other is showing us the different types of orders. 2. These pictures show the obvious signs of age on this book. Attachments WhatsApp Unknown 2021-11-05 at 18.13.52 (509 kB)