Since the book “Oeuvres d’Architescture” by the author Marie-Joseph Peyer consists largely of pictures, I have tried to describe them in order to find a similar book. However, this did not turn out to be very easy, as it was very difficult to choose terms that describe the book and the pictures it contains. I…
Author: Moritz Stoll
The author Marie-Joseph Peyre lived in the 18th century and was himself an architect. That I an explanation for the title Oeuvres d’architecture, which means as much as “the work of art in architecture”.If we take into account the time in which Peyer lived, this makes perfect sense, since he was in the midst of…
Marie-Joseph Peyre, Oeuvres d’architecture Ich habe diese beiden Seiten gewählt, da sie die grössten und detailreichsten Abbildungen enthielten und man sich somit das Gebäude am besten vorstellen konnte. Von der Grösse und Dicke unterscheidet sich das Buch kaum von einem zeitgenössischen Bildband, mit was es sich jedoch am meisten abhebt, sind die Seiten, welche sich…