Comment on Greeting 97 Hello there! I have noticed that your book, the «Architecture moderne, ou l’art de bien bâtir pour toutes sortes de personnes tant pour les maisons des particuliers que pour les palais / [Charles-Etienne Briseux]”, written by Claude Jombert and Charles Etienne, shares a few similarities with my book, «Il Nuovo Splendore…
Author: Lucia Zeng
Since my assigned book mostly contains detailed drawings of building form interior and exterior perspectives, my objectives when I tried to find related books were mainly to find something which is also filled with pictures and as least text as possible. When opening Alice, I was slightly taken aback by its colourfulness but quickly adapted…
110 Giovanni Falda
The book’s cover doesn’t contain anything noticeable and is plainly designed using only one single whitish colour. It doesn’t speak to anyone unless someone opens it up to see its’ content. Thus, it seems to be a mysterious book. It possesses chapters but doesn’t actually tell a story. When flipping through the book one may…
Greetings_Il Nuovo Splendore delle fabriche in prospettiva di roma moderna
The book cover has a very simple single coloured design.
Greetings_Il Nuovo Splendore delle fabriche in prospettiva di roma moderna
I chose these two pages because I really liked how detailed both drawings are, especially on the page where we can observe a chapel each detail of the building is beautifully drawn and lives up to reality.