In task 2 I got to know my book (Architectura by Gabriel Kramer) and discovered that it was a Saulenbücher, for this reason my research started looking for another Säulenbücher in order to be able to compare the two books. Like many of the Säulenbücher the book that I found is titled the same way…
Author: Giacomo Botteon
The book Architectura by Gabriel Kramer is a very thin books that include only images and no index or text of some sort. The images (30 in total ca) are very beautiful hand-drawings with a lot of details on them. The book is published in 1606 and is a Saulenbücher, (the title “Architectura”is very common…
I chose this pages because I liked the precision and the detail of this drawings. I also like how the author emphasises the features of the different orders with this drawings. The book is very thin and light, it must be treated with care because of his fragility.