first comment to the post ’Argument76’ hi, i browsed through several posts and finally came across yours. after reading it, i took a quick look at your book. what you already tell in the post and i could also see for myself is that like my book “Theatrum machinarum molarium ” by Johann Matthias Beyer,…
Author: Francesco Niederhauser
First I looked a little deeper into my book Theatrum machinarum molarium from Johann Matthias Beyer. So that I get a broader spectrum of topics/words to make a wider search. In doiing so, i noticed many more terms like mill construction/architecture, mill order, ship mills, wheel plant/works, mill scaffold/framwork, wind/water/paper mill (typ of mills), machine,…
When you read the title “Theatrum machinarum Molarium” for the first time, the word “machinarum” seems familiar. One quickly thinks of related words in German such as “Maschinen” (machines). If you translate the title from Latin into German, you get “theatre of millstones”. This suggests that it could be about mills. When you leaf through…
The first book page I selected: The second book page I selected: The book has very thin / fine pages and the binding of the book is a hardcover.
The first book page I selceted shows creative characteristics, in particular through the choice of color, font and size. The second selected page has its purpose in the technical information. Both pages reveal information, but have a contrast in design and looking.