„La Pratica di Prospettiva“, written by Lorenzo Sirigatti, wasn’t exactly easy to read, as it’s written in Italian. However, it is a book which is dominated by drawings and illustrations. So I concentrated on these in order to find good keywords. Eventhough I could search my keywords and topics in Xenotheka it was quite difficult…
Author: Fiona Bosshard
La pratica di prospettiva Full title of the book: La pratica di prospettiva del cavaliere Lorenzo Sirigatti al ser et invittiss Ladislao Sigismondo Principe di Polonia e di Svezia. In Venetia MDCXXV About the content: practice of the perspective: i imagine it treats the theory of the perspective translated through many drawings.It was probably directed…
The cover is very old and vulnerable, it is brown and the pages have already yellowed a little. I like how all of the pages have over time aligned perfectly with all the other ones. I chose the drawings of the instruments because I liked thinking about the fact that when we speak about building…