Comment on Argument_13: I searched through the blog and came across your blog post. As I read your essay the first paragraph reminded me of my book: „Archisesto” by Otto Revesi Bruti. The title of your book „Architectura” is the same as of my book „Archisesto” only in a different language. My book is all about the five orders…
Author: Esen Demirci
The book assigned to me is titled “Archisesto per formar con facilità li cinque ordini d’architettura” by Ottavio Revesi Bruti and has constructing scale drawings of architectural orders as its main theme. I knew right away which terms I need to search for in order to generate the most relevant results. So I adopted the…
Archisesto per formar con facilità li cinque ordini d’architettura : con altri particolari intorno la medesma professione / del signor Ottavio Revesi Bruti, gentilhuomo vicentino, written by Ottavio Revesi Bruti is an architectural textbook, which shows how to make and use an archisesto , a proportional compass invented by the author, based on Galileo Galilei’s geometrical…
title: Archisesto per formar con facilità li cinque ordini d’architettura author: Revesi Bruti, Ottavio date, place: 1627, Vicenza digital copies I chose these pages because I think it’s varied. Here the author has drawn his tools once in 3D and once in 2D perspective. He used these tools (ruler, circle) to create his drawings for…