At first, I was overwhelmed with the enormous possibilities that you have in Ask Alice. So, I had to find a way to narrow my search results down. I used the different Brains and combinations of words. My search words were “architecture, measurement, tool, columns” I was hoping to find a book which also has…
Author: Carlo Celli
Andreas Albrecht was a German mathematician and engineer. He was the inventor of multiple instruments. He doesn’t really have a design approach rather than a proportional approach. Instrument zur Architectur Damit die fünff Seülen auch aller Sorten Stück und Morsser, sowol allerley Bilder und der gleichen Sachen leicht und recht proportionirt zu vergrössern oder zu…
I choose the first page because it’s used to show and summarize the content of the book. It’s also a very different approach and an innovative way of showing the illustrations in a smaller version on the first page of the book.