First I typed architecture in “topic of conversation”, chose the Xenotheka library, then searched for “columns, drawings”, as the book assigned to me, Reigle générale d’architecture des cinq manières de colonnes, by Jean Bullant, talks mainly about the five orders (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Tuscan) and is enriched with many drawings. However, before I could…
Author: Aude Etique
The title of the book I received is entitled: Reigle générale d’architecture des cinq manière de colonnes : à scavoir, tuscane, dorique, ionique, corinth et composite: book enriched of several others, with the example of the antique. The title is very revealing. Its author, Jean Bullant, talks about the columns and describes them in particular. Furthermore,…
Title : Reigle générale d’architecture des cinq manières de colonnes : à scavoir, tuscane, dorique, ionique, corinth et composite : livre enrichy de plusieurs autres, à l’exemple de l’antique Author : Jean Bullant (1510-1578) Publication date : 1647 Language : french Location : ETH Zürich ETH Bibliothek RA Rara Rar 88 Rämistrasse 101 8092 Zürich…